Sunday, May 6, 2012

River Walk - Drawing & Color Wash

 Well I hope I don't take all the mystery out of the painting process for you. I am sharing my process just like I do with my mosaic projects.

My way is not the only way. It's not even my only way. This is how I am approaching this project. I have not really done a serious painting project in about 30 years. I'm finding that its a lot like riding a bike. Some things you just never forget how to do.

Anyway I wanted to get the main shapes in the right places so rather than free hand it, I'm putting some big carbon paper that I have to use.
Outlining the main shapes.
 My carbon paper is not big enough so I am having to do this in two steps.  You can see that I have taken my 7x7 squares that make up the enlarged design and have taped them together.

 My work space - still pretty neat.
 The taped up design.
 If you look really closely you can see where I have a faint drawing of the major shapes.
 You can see a little better on this photo. Just a very sketchy idea of where things belong at this point.
 Yellow  wash
 More color washes in process.
 Close up of the color washes in process.
 Finished color washes.

 My printed squares hanging up as a on going reference.
Not quite as neat at this point.

Well I'm calling it a day. Stay tuned for more updates.

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