Monday, May 21, 2012

Painting A Real Building

I did not get as much as I had hoped to get done on this painting project on Saturday. My church had a big paint day to work on the exterior of our building. Between running to get turpentine and rags and helping cleaning up a paint mess. I got a little bit painted during the middle of the day. Later in the day I stopped to helped finish up by painting some real window wells and a door as volunteers started to drop off and the job was still a long way from finished. 

I painted in the windows on the red building and the awning on the green one. I think the angle is off still on the awning. Not sure I like the stripes it might need to be solid. I will play with it more off and on during the week. We are to the end of the school year and every thing gets extra busy before it settles down to the more relaxed pace of summer. 

If you would like to see more photos and my report on the church painting project please visit my other blog for my article called Sometimes Paint Happens

1 comment:

Metal Wall Art said...

I love your painting. I wish I can paint as good as you do. Great job.