Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend Painting Up Date

What I got done on Saturday May 26th
I have been working on the populating my painting with people. I've started working on the boat people. I've added some folks to the shore walk area. You can see my weird method of figuring out people.  If you enlarge the picture, the children at the shore line are just cut outs that are taped there while I decide if they belong in the picture or not. All the people started out that way, having come from people I found on the internet or in my own photo collection. I cut them out of their respective backgrounds and sized them appropriately to fit into mine. Not sure the little children are going to make it into the picture.

What I got done as of Monday May 28th      
On Sunday I decided to move the shore line on the right side and bring it out into the water where I had previously planned to put the boat. I moved the boat because in the right corner. I needed to create some room to add a little sidewalk cafe area.

Monday, I painted the cafe area with its bright umbrellas.  I have things that still need additional layers.

I did change some of the lighting on the sun to hopefully make the nose not look so long and I tried to bring in the left side of the nose just a bit. Pretty minor little changes.

I toned down the flowers on the bridge a bit. I guess there no flowers on any of the River Walk bridges. I think some one should get the garden club out there to take care of that problem right away. In the mean I could not remove them completely because the leaves and flowers were pretty textured and they would still show. So now its more like ivy or green moss.

I still have lots of little things to do all over the painting but pretty much the big stuff is done at this point. Lots of things need additional layers of paint. Some of the folks in the boat still need hair. The sky needs some other shades of blue. 

Guess thats about all for now.

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